Report: Islamic State Fighters Terrified of Facing Transgender ‘Super Soldiers’
MARAWI, Ph. - Islamic State fighters are fleeing the Philippine city of Marawi at what U.S. intelligence officials are calling R…

President Trump Seeks to Forge Climate Change Denial Pact with Nicaragua, Syria
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Less than a week after withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, Presiden…

U.S. Offered North Korea Trump Hotel and Casino as Incentive to Halt Nuke Program
PYONGYANG, Dprk. - U.S. officials met in secret with a delegation from North Korea last month to…

The U.S. Navy Just Slammed an Abandoned Syrian Factory With 83 Cruise Missiles
MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Two Navy destroyers operating in the Mediterranean Sea fired nearly seven do…

Barack Obama Reinstated as 44th President of the United States Following Military Coup
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Millions of jubilant Americans poured into the streets in celebration on Satu…

Pope Francis Orders Vatican Archives to Reveal God’s Name Ending Centuries of Secrecy
VATICAN CITY - Speaking before a delegation of Jewish leaders at the Vatican on Thursday, Pope Francis revealed he has instructed the Va…

S. Korean Police Arrest ‘Vigilante’ Businessman Who Took Down Drug Trafficking Ring
SEOUL, Sk. - A South Korean pawn shop owner is facing a slew of charges including grand theft auto and murder after police say he single-hand…

Pentagon to Propose Sending Ground Troops into Syria to Contain Refugee Problem
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Defense is exploring the possibility of deploying ground troops to the Persian Gulf and Syria as pa…

White House: Blue Angels Will Take Part in Coalition Airstrikes Against the Islamic State
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Defense to deploy an elite U.S. Navy flight demonstration squadro…

Mexico Agrees to Pay for New Partition in White House Bathroom
MEXICO CITY, Mex. - The Mexican government says it has reached an agreement with the incoming Trump administration to cover the costs of a ne…

Vatican Says Hackers Executed Massive Data Breach of More Than 20 Billion Confessions
VATICAN CITY - A spokesperson for the Vatican confirmed on Wednesday that the Holy See’s main data storage facility in Vatican City has…

Putin Declines Invitation to U.S. Inauguration Amid CIA Claims of Election Hacking
MOSCOW, Ru. - Russian president Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday that he has declined an invitation to attend the upcoming 2017 presiden…

UN: 3 to 6% Reduction in Human Population Could Slow Effects of Climate Change
NEW YORK, Ny. - The chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is calling on world leaders to join a global ini…